(EN) How to recruit a freelancer using packages?

To find a freelancer for your job, you can use one of the following ways:

  1. Post a Job
  2. Recruit a freelancer directly
  3. Use Sribu Packages
  4. Contest Design


Follow these steps to begin recruiting a freelancer using Sribu Packages:

Sribu Packages is a collection of our most favorite packages that have helped clients and their businesses. Through our recommendations, we help select Trusted Freelancers to handle all your needs.


Our available Packages:


All Sribu packages are designed for the most efficient and convenient service for our clients.


  1. Login to your Sribu website and click “Order” then choose “All Packages” on the menu listed above.
  2. You will be directed to a page where all of the Sribu packages are listed for you. Choose and click the package you want for more information.
  3. Choose from the available package after you read through the price and details on each type of package. Click “Choose Package” to continue.
  4. You will be directed to the next page to fill out the descriptions and information as to your purchase intention. Use the provided space, upload a file (if any) by clicking the “Upload file” button and click “Buy Package” to proceed.
  5. You will be directed to an invoice page with available payment methods, ie:
    • Manual Bank Transfer
    • Virtual Account Payment
    • Credit Card
    • Paypal
  6. Once you’ve completed your payment, you will receive an email payment confirmation from Sribu.


A workspace will then be opened for you and Sribu will assign Trusted Freelancers to work on your job.

All work will be completed as your expectation based on the agreed terms of each package.


If you have any questions, you can contact us at:

Telp: +62 855-7480-0249
WA: https://wa.me/+6281211145367
Email: [email protected]