(EN) How to recruit a freelancer directly?

To find a freelancer for your job, you can use one of the following ways:


  1. Post a Job
  2. Recruit a freelancer directly
  3. Use Sribu Packages
  4. Contest Design


Follow these steps to begin recruiting a freelancer directly:

  1. Login to your Sribu website and click “Find Freelancers” on the menu listed above.
  2. You will be directed to a “Trusted Freelancer” page where you get to select freelancers based on your need. Click “Chat & Hire Me” to begin communication with a freelancer of your choice.
  3. On the next page, fill out the message you wish to send to the candidate.
    Include a “job offer” that you can choose from:

    • Previous posted vacancy
    • New Job

    Click “Submit” to send a message to the freelancer’s inbox. If he/she replies, it will automatically go to your inbox.

  4. Once you and the freelancer have reached an agreement on the project, then you can proceed to the payment process.
    As soon as your payment is confirmed, then a workspace will be opened for you and the selected freelancer.
    Congratulations! You have successfully hired a freelancer of your choice directly.


If you have any questions, you can contact us at:


Telp: +62 855-7480-0249
WA: https://wa.me/+6281211145367
Email: [email protected]