What is Contes?
Contest is the work system that Sribu uses. As a client, you can create contests to get design previews from all the designers that participate or join the contest you hold.
What is Brief Design?
Brief Design is a column available when the client is opening or holding a contest. In this column, the client can write the message or instruction for designers in creating the design of their wish.
Use short sentences that are detailed and easy to understand so that designers can easily follow the given instructions. Once you have filled in the Brief Design space, click and share to the designers.
Can Sribu guarantee that winning designer will cooperate fully with the client?
Yes, Sribu guarantees that our designers will cooperate fully with the client. Our fail-proof system is made possible by our prize/ reward which will only be transferred to the winning designer once all File Transfer has been completed.
Clients may also ask for our assistance to mediate any problems occurred with the designer. If you feel that the winning designer does not have the intention to work together with you, contact our customer service through email [email protected].
If you have any questions, you can contact us at:
Telp: +62 855-7480-0249
WA: https://wa.me/+6281211145367
Email: [email protected]